First presenter Co-presenter(s)
Name :  Michel Beaudin * Name:   
E-mail: E-mail:  
Affiliation: École de technologie supérieure Name:   
Department: Service des enseignements généraux  E-mail:    
City: Montréal Name:   
State/Province: Québec   E-mail:    
Country: Canada Name:   
03-01  E-mail:    
Session: 3- Applications and Libraries development in Derive Schedule:
Friday, 11:00
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Title of
Another Look at a Trusted Mathematical Assistant
From the DERIVE user manual (version 3, September 1994), we can read the following: "Making mathematics more exciting and enjoyable is the driving force behind the development of the DERIVE program". In this talk, we will try to show how some mathematical concepts, studied by engineering students at university level - differential equations, multiple variable calculus, systems of non linear equations -, can be easily illustrated by DERIVE. Some will object that any other CAS could do the same: well, this is probably true but, according to us, not as quickly and naturally: "To accomplish this DERIVE not only has to be a tireless, powerful and knowledgeable mathematical assistant, it must be an easy, natural, and convenient tool". Consequently, time can be spent to prove some theorem or formula and the computer algebra system helps to reinforce the mathematical concepts. Our examples will also make use of new features added in the latest version of DERIVE (version 6.10 released in October 2004); features that were not exploited as should be - DERIVE has never been enough documented. But we are still convinced that Derive 6 was "Far too good just for students" ( ).