Special Session on High-Performance Computer Algebra


Title:    Balanced Dense Polynomial Multiplication on Multi-cores

Yuzhen Xie and Marc Moreno Maza
Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Ontario, Canada

We present high-performance techniques for FFT-based polynomial multiplication on multi-cores, with a focus on unbalanced input data. We show that balanced data can maximize parallel speed-up and minimize cache complexity for bivariate multiplication. Then, we show how multivariate (and univariate) multiplication can be efficiently reduced to balanced bivariate multiplication.

This approach brings in practice dramatic improvements for unbalanced input data, using the Cilk++} concurrency platform, even if the implementation relies on serial one-dimensional FFTs. This latter property allows us to take advantage efficient non-standard and memory efficient FFT techniques, such as Truncated Fourier Transform, which are hard to parallelize.